Thursday, May 28, 2020

फिजिक्स एंड टेक्नोलॉजी ओर सोसाइटी

थे कनेक्शन बिटवीन फिजिक्स एंड टेक्नोलॉजी एंड सोसाइटी कैन बी  सीन इन मेनी एक्सएम्पल्स.थे डिसिप्लिन ऑफ थेरमोद्यनामिक्स रोज़ फ्रॉम थे नीद तो अंडरस्टैंड एंड इम्प्रूव थे वर्किंग ऑफ हीट इंजन्स।
थे स्टीम इंजन अस वी नो इस इंसेपरबले फ्रॉम थे ई इंदुस्तरिअल रेवोलुशन इन इंग्लैंड इन व्हिच हद ग्रेट इम्पैक्ट ओन थे कोरस ऑफ ह्यूमन सिविलिसशन ।
समटाइम्स टेक्नोलॉजी गिवेस राइज टो न्यू फिजिक्स अतः ओतर टाइम्स फिजिक्स जनरेट्स नई टेक्नोलॉजी एग्जामपल ऑफ थे लत्तेर  इस थे वारलेस
कम्युनिकेशन टेक्नोलॉजी फ़ॉलोवेद थे डिस्कवरी ऑफ थे बेसिक लॉज़ ऑफ एलेट्रिसिट्टी एंड मैग्नेटिसम इन थे 19थ सेंचुरी थे एप्लीकेशन ऑफ फिजिक्स अरे नॉट ऑलवेज इजी तो फोर्सेज अस लेट अस1933 थे ग्रेट फिजिसिस्ट अर्नेस्ट रुथेरफोर्ड हद दिमिससेड थे पॉसिबिलिटी ऑफ टैपिंग एनर्जी फ्रॉम एटम्स बात ओनली आ फ्यू इयर्स लैटर्स ।


We can get some idea of the scope of physics by looking at its various sub-disciplines.Basically by there are two domains of interest :macroscopic domain  and microscopic.The macroscopic domain includes phenomena at the laboratory,terrestrial and astronomical scales.The microscopic domain includes atomic,molecular and nuclear phenomena CLASSICAL PHYSICS deals mainly with macroscopic phenomena and includes subjects like MECHANICS ELECTRODYNAMICS ,OPTIC and THERMODYNAMICS. Mechanics founded on newtons laws of motion and the law of gravitation is concerned with the motion for equilibrium of particles rigid and deformable bodies,and general systems of particles .
The propulsion of rocket by a jet of ejecting gases, propagation of water waves or sound waves in air.The equilibrium of a bent for rod under load are problems of mechanics .Electrodynamics deals with electric and magnetic phenomena associated with charged and magnetic bodies its basic laws were given by Coulombs,Oersted ,Ampere and Faraday , and encapsulated by Maxwell in his famous set of equations.The motion of a current -carrying conductor in a magnetic field ,the response of a circuit to an alternate current voltage (signals),the working of an antenna ,the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere,are problems  of electrodynamics .Optics deals with the phenomena involving light.The working of telescopes and microscopes ,colours exhibited by thin films.are topics in optics Thermodynamics in contrast to mechanics does not deal with the motion of bodies as a whole Rather,it was systems in macroscopic equilibrium and is concerned with changes in internal energy.temperature,entropy.
The efficiency of heat engines and refrigerators and direction of physical or chemical process are problems of interest in thermodynamics the microscopic domain of physics deals with the constitution and structure of matter at the minute scales of atoms and nuclei and there interaction with different probes such as electrons ,photons and other elementary particles.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

what is physics

:-Physical World:-


Humans have always been curious about the world around them.
The night sky with its bright celestial objects has fascinated humans science time immemorial .The regular repetitions of the day and night the annual cycle of seasons the eclipses the tides the volcanoes the rainbow have always been a source of wonder.The world has an astonishing variety of materials and a bewildering diversity of life and behaviour the inquiring and imaginative human mind has responded to the wonder and awe of nature in different ways .One kind of response from the earliest times has been to observe the physical environmental carefully ,look for any meaningful patterns and relations in nature phenomena and build and use tools  to interact with nature .This human endeavour in course of time to modern science and technology.
                                     The world Science originates from the Latin verb Scientia meaning "to know".The Sanskrit word Vijnan and the Arabic word ILM convey similar meaning , namely 'knowledge ' science in board sense is as old as human species .The early civilization of Egypt.India .Greece. made vital contribution to its progress from sixteen century onwards , great strides were made in science in Europe . By the middle of the twentieth century science had become a truly international enterprise, with many culture and countries contributing to its rapid growth .What is science and what is the so-called Scientific Method ? Science is a systematic attempt to understand natural phenomena in as much detail and depth as possible and use the knowledge so gained to predict , modify and control phenomena . Science is exploring ,experimenting and predicting from what we see around us .The curiosity to learn about the world, unravelling the secrets of nature is the first step towards the discovery of science.
                                  The scientific method involves several interconnected steps: systematic observations,controlled experiments ,qualitative and quantitative reasoning mathematical modelling prediction and verification or falsification of theories .Speculation and conjecture also have a place in science; but ultimately , a scientific theory to be acceptable must be verified by relevant observations or experiments . There is much philosophical debate about the nature and method of science that we need not discuss here.
                                    The interplay of theory and observation for experiments is basic to the progress of science is ever dynamic .There is no 'final theory in science and no unquestioned authority among scientists. As observations improve in detail and precision or experiments yield new results ,theories must account for them,if necessary ,by introducing  modifications.Sometimes the modifications may not be drastic and may lie within the framework existing of  theory . For example , when Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) examined the extensive data of planetary motion collected by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), the planetary circular orbits in heliocentric theory ( sun at the centre of the solar system) imagined by Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) had to be replaced by elliptical orbits to fit the data better . Occasionally,however,the existing theory is simply unable to explain new observations.This causes a major upheaval in science . In the beginning of the twentieth century, it was realised that Newtonian mechanics ,till then a very successful theory ,could not explain some of the most basic features of atomic phenomena similarly then accepted wave picture of light failed to explain the photoelectric effect properly This led to the development of radically new theory( Quantum Mechanics) to deal with atomic and molecular  phenomena.
                                       Physics deals with the combination of matter and energy. It also deals with a wide variety of systems, about which theories have been developed that are used by physicists. In general, theories are experimentally tested numerous times before they are accepted as correct as a description of Nature (within a certain domain of validity). For instance, the theory of classical mechanics accurately describes the motion of objects, provided they are much larger than atoms and moving at much less than the speed of light. These "central theories" are important tools for research in more specialized topics, and any physicist, regardless of his or her specialization, is expected to be literate in them.


The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutronsin a nucleus.It is evident that without some attractive force, a nucleus will be unstab...